latest news

Orion Competing – Winter 2020-2021
Orion of Endymion Farms has arrived in Florida and will be competing this winter. He was a 4th Level Champion at the February 2020 Jubilee Dressage show at Canterbury Showcase near Gainesville, Florida. Orion is now standing at stud in Ocala, FL – for more information click here.

Orion Champion of the Day
At the September 2012 Keuring in Chilliwack, BC Orion of Endymion Farms was First Premie and Champion of the Day.

Kelowna Dressage Show 2014
After two years out of the show ring Quinn, of Endymion Farms, came out at Third level with Megan Creel as his new rider/trainer and received an impressive 61.83 on the final day. Way to go Megan and Quinn we are looking forward to a great year.

Champion of the Day 2013
Congratulations Gabriella of Endymion Farms was first premie Ster and Champion of the Day. We were very excited to have bred this lovely mare.
Contact Us
Endymion Farms
KFPS Quality Friesian Horses
Phone: 250-938-5045
P.O. Box 1254
Vernon, BC V1T 6N6
We accept the following credit cards: Visa and Mastercard.